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HuGE Literature Finder

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GWAS Integrator

Explore published GWAS and relevant information.

HuGE Watch

Track the evolution of published literature in genome epidemiology.

HuGE Investigator Browser

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Featured Databases

Gene Prospector

Evaluate genes in relation to disease and risk factors.

Cancer GAMAdb

Explore cancer genetic associations from meta-analyses and GWAS.

Variant Name Mapper

Map common names and rs numbers of genetic variants.

Genotype Prevalence Catalog

Access genotype prevalence estimates in the U.S. population.

Interactive Tools

HuGE Risk Translator

Calculate the predictive value of genetic markers for disease risk.


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HuGE Track

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Public Health Genomics Knowledge Base

Exploring the Public Health Genomics Knowledge Base (PHGKB) :

  • A Comprehensive Resource for Genetic Research  

The Public Health Genomics Knowledge Base (PHGKB) is a valuable resource for anyone involved in the field of public health genomics. It provides essential databases and tools for exploring genetic associations, epidemiological trends, and genomic research insights. Managed by the Office of Public Health Genomics (OPHG) at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), PHGKB is constantly updated with the latest information to help professionals, researchers, and policymakers stay informed.

  • Comprehensive Database Access

PHGKB integrates a number of databases that facilitate in-depth exploration of genomic data. These databases include :

  • CDC Information Database – A comprehensive resource with 489 entries on genomic-related information from the CDC.
  • CDC-Authored Genomics Publication Database – This database contains over 1,000 publications authored by CDC researchers, offering insights into the latest genomic studies and findings.
  • Discoveries and Insights Database – With more than 3,500 entries, this database focuses on key genomic discoveries and their implications for public health.
  • Health Impact Scan Database – This resource contains nearly 2,800 entries related to the health impact of genomic research, highlighting studies that have significant public health implications.
  • Guideline Database – A smaller but crucial database, offering 229 entries on guidelines related to genomics and its application in healthcare.

The Advanced Molecular Detection Scan Database features 1,481 entries that focus on the intersection of molecular detection and genomics, which is a critical area of research for improving disease detection and management.

The potential of genomics for infectious disease forecasting

 Tools provided by HuGe Navigator

Description of variant tools  in HuGe Navigator and their functionality in genetic research